15 broken swatch watches some runing broken project Lot Men Women Collection. This is for the swatch collector, most broken some running. 1 newer blue swatch, missing loop on strap, heavy scratches on face.
2 ladies clear swatch, cracks in plastic. 3 stainless swatch, broken band.
Put a battery in, watch did not run. 5 fish swatch, missing loop on strap. Second tank moves but does not tick.
Just shakes back and fourth. 6 white small swatch does not work.
Works broken strap some scratches. 8 white swatch, does work. 9 pink mini swatch does not work. 10 scuba swatch did put a battery in and does run. Missing back cover, heavily scratched broken strap.11 large black swatch untested no strap. 12 mini black swatch untested no strap. 13 black swatch untested no strap some scratches. 15 pop swatch, scratches no band. Forgot to show in main photo.
Described these watches to the best of my ability. 2-3 are missing the back stainless cover. I found 1 extra to throw in the bag.